C. Naranjo’s upcoming release, “Diary of the Last Seed: Book One”.

Look for it coming soon to ebook!


BLURB: Kenneth wakes up in an empty room with no memories of his past life and an uncertain
future ahead of him. He meets an old man in an abandoned hospital that might help him find
answers of the madness outside.

Meanwhile, a silence and mysterious decease spread thru the human population. A pair of
scientists tried to figure out how the decease attacked and why some human’s react to it
differently. They are running out of time, and the decease does not affect everyone the same. The
Scientists had been witnesses of the atrocity the decease is capable off. They have patient “Zero”
to proof it.

Is Kenneth link to the decease? Is there any hope for mankind? Only time will tell….

And the matching facebook timeline cover image: